How to seam seal your Lanshan Pro tent


Many people asked me whether seam seal the Lanshan tent with silicone glue is must. My answer is that it depends on the situation. If you buy a non PRO version, you don’t need to apply glue, because it has been taped in the factory and has high-performance waterproof ability. If you buy the PRO version which is made by 2 side silicone coated Nylon, Congratulations, you will get a new skill!

This method works for any silicone ultralight tent. Not limited to Lanshan tent.

You can find something like a syringe in the package go from the Lanshan Pro, which is the best gluing tool for ordinary people we can find. Although it does not necessarily have the simplest operation, but the result must be the nicest looking.

If you are in North America, you can easily buy GearAid SeamGrip at Amazon:

This is a reliable glue. Although it doesn’t dry fast, it’s easy to buy. If you have a better choice, please tell us and we will recommend it to other hikers.


In this official instruction of glue, the way they apply glue is to use a small brush to smear the seam, which is also done by most people, but we do not recommend this method because it is very difficult to operate, in the end your beautiful tent will become like this:

I believe it will ruin your good mood all day and curse our tent.


Our suggestion is to use the syringe we sent with the tent. The specific operation method is shown in the video below:

Similarly, you can see the video captured by Justin Whiting:


First of all, you should set up the tent in your backyard. It must be full pitched and tighten.

After that, squeeze the glue into the syringe. According to experience, if your handicraft is good, half a tube of glue is enough. We don’t recommend applying a lot of glue, because it will increase the tent weight.

Before sealing, firstly is to make sure where need sealing. The positions that must be sealing marked with red, the optional sealing area marked with yellow, and the area that no need seam sealing showing as black. We do not recommend seal all seams, because that will increase the weight.

The operation can be carried out from top to bottom. Hold the syringe in one hand, the other hand hold waist for stability. Apply the glue evenly along the seam. In the black UHMWPE patch area, apply it with your fingers after coating to form a thin layer of glue. Remember wipe your finger with papers after that.

If you are a DIYer, it not a big thing! If not, this DIY experience will open up a new world for you.


After all seams are sealed, don’t hurry to package the tent. According to the performance of different glue, you need to let it dry for 1-12 hours.


In conclusion, If you feel that you are not good at DIY or a perfectionist, you can choose to seal only the red area, so that Lanshan Pro can also withstand in the storm.


Finally, if you have a better seam sealing method, please tell us to benefit more people.

The photo below is our sealed standard, you can go DIY yourself as shown in the picture below.

Picture of Yu Liu

Yu Liu

Outdoor educator
CMA Instructor
Manager in 3FULGAER

More to explorer

Comments (8)

  • Davide

    I was in my Lanshan 2 Pro under heavy showers last night. I realised it slightly leaks from the two tie outs.

    Here’s a pic to clarify what I need with tie out:×445.png

    I have already done seam sealing two times in that areas, and tested with a hose,so I thought it would be ok.

    Should I apply sealant also on the inside?

    June 30, 2022 at 7:07 am
    • 3FULGEAR

      Sure, in our recommendation, this part needs to be sealed from both inside and outside.

      May 5, 2023 at 8:02 am
  • Al

    So the UHMPWE patch is the black patch with the white grids on it?
    When you said smear it with your finger, is it all over the entire patch or just over the seam?
    I can’t tell what the guy did on the instruction video because of the angle from where the video was shot during that scene. I could only see the back of his hand.
    I’m just really nervous since it’s my first time trying to do this and want to make sure I do it right.
    Thank you.

    October 26, 2022 at 9:43 pm
    • 3FULGEAR

      Now we don’t recommend applying with your fingers on the outside, which can make the tent unsightly, but when sealing on the inside, you can apply with your fingers or a brush. For exterior sealing, use a syringe along the seam line.
      The white grid of UHMWPE is UHMWPE, and the black part is Nylon. The white grid has very high strength, just like the steel bars in a skyscraper.

      May 5, 2023 at 8:10 am
  • Fritz

    once applied do I have to reapply?

    November 29, 2022 at 5:33 am
  • Denis

    What silicone (glue) can I buy on AliExpress?

    July 9, 2023 at 8:18 pm